
An effective and informative way to help mining leaders stay ahead of the curve, Wabtec’s webinars share expert insights, exclusive updates, live Q&A’s and more.

By sharing knowledge, we can address the challenges of today and innovate solutions for the future. 

Wabtec’s webinar program aims to help transform mining operations around the world. Join us and discover how Wabtec Digital Mine is leading the charge in digital products and services designed to enhance safety, efficiency, and productivity in the mining industry.

With a range of topics intended for mining executive & managers, operations & maintenance professionals, technology & innovation leaders and safety & environmental officers, Wabtec’s webinars navigate the latest trends and technologies driving mining forward and personnel safe.  

For more information on any of the Wabtec webinars below, please click on the links.

Live Webinar: Join Wabtec’s Mitch Tanzer and DotNetix CEO, Wietz Joubert as they discuss AI Smart Cameras in mining. Topics covered include the DotNetix products, their capabilities and use cases. 

Webinar Recording: Join Wabtec’s Commercial Director of EMEA, Mr. Mitch Tanzer, as he introduces the company’s Gen 3 Collision Avoidance System.

Webinar Recording: Join Wabtec’s Commercial Director of APAC, Mr. Mitch Tanzer, as he introduces the company’s Gen 3 Collision Avoidance System.

Webinar Recording: Wabtec’s Principal Consultant and Author of the White Paper, Craig Hoffmann answers your questions and discusses all things PDS & CAS technology with Mitch Tanzer.

Webinar Recording: Wabtec’s Principal Consultant and Author of the White Paper, Craig Hoffmann answers your questions and discusses all things PDS & CAS technology with Mitch Tanzer.

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